Malaga Travel

At Malaga Travel we are dedicated to everything related to tourism and vacations. We love interacting with
customers, knowing their desires and motivations, in order to offer them an unforgettable experience.


In addition to the basics, such as Disney, honeymoons, cruises, the Caribbean, tickets, flights, hotels, etc., we create tailor-made vacations from scratch, we have extensive knowledge and we care about travelling, you create experiences when you live them yourself.

We also carry out cultural visits, created by us from start to finish, usually for one day, which include bus, breakfast, guided tour, lunch and accident insurance so you get to know about the different cities in Andalusia, their festivals and their culture.

We have more than 5 years of experience in Vélez Málaga and now we want to get closer to more places in the Axarquía, which is why we are now also in Nerja.


We have fully specialised and experienced staff. For contact details see link below:

We are waiting to make your next trip a trip of a lifetime!